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Tuesday, March 24, 2009


In the Natuna Islands region of Indonesia is well known as fishing. Most residents work as fishermen. Already clear that the sea is a habitat that has been raising them. For the time now that this has happened and many changes in the area outside the normal exploitation of the sea due to large-scale regardless of the future.

The existence of a group of people (POKMASWAS) COREMAP in the program is very good and effective. Awareness began to grow to keep of the marine not responsible. Fishing activities with the coral damage due to the use of putasium has resulted environment which is very large. Some people demanded that the fines are a very large even if the punishment need to.
Local fishermen who start to feel the difficulty to get the fish. Fish away from the edge. This is caused by damage to coral reef. Assistance is starting work out. Community to realize that for this they always tolerate activities that are harmful to it.

Various efforts penyadaran done continuously from the bottom masrakat. Even for children. This is very important to the defense and preservation of coral reef marine ecosystem has been known since other early generation of kegenerasi.

As one example for the region, lies the village Cemaga district. At this region, including a goal that many of the illegal fishermen are taking fish with damage to coral. Fishermen and people start to catch every compact of this crime. Some cases have been picked up. Even have submitted to the Police.

Control group was formed only as a stimulus, will the desired control system of a natural self-reliance from the community itself. Village regulations on marine conservation area was created. Some even point resulting kontropers occur. Because there are still people who do the activity.
This is some important point in Perdes Coral Reefs Cemaga Middle Village;

Article 10
All forms of activity that can cause damage to the environment should be conducted in coastal and marine areas that are set and agreed together to protect.

Article 11
Things that can not be done in the core area, are as follows:
1. Conduct all activities that may affect and that is in the protected area;
2. Fishing with the use, toxic, explosive materials and tuba;
3. All types of fishing with all types of fishing equipment and fishing rod model;
4. Nets, dyke, Bubu, and the like;
5. Turn on the lights, which collects fish or squid at day;
6. The Teripang/ Gamat, and the like;
7. Of shellfish and other biota or the type of live or dead;
8. The live or dead coral;
9. Remove the anchor or anchors or reject the reef with paddle;
10. The murder and all sorts of animals and their nest, eggs, and their children;
11. As the waste disposal, waste and materials that can disrupt life;

Article 12
Things that should not be conducted in the Regional protester is:
1. Catch fish by using modern means of catching, such as trawl, seine ring, and the like;
2. All kinds of activities that can threaten the region and damage the core and buffer directly or
3. All kinds of activities that can cause damage to natural resources;
4. Fishing, Gamat and other marine resources by using kompressor, both during the day and
5. Fishing with a tuba.

Article 13
Things that should not be conducted in the Regional Serba Guna is:
1. Catch fish by using modern tools such as trawl catch, lampara basis, pukat ring and the like;
2. Fishing using poisons and explosives;
3. All kinds of activities that can cause damage to natural resources;
4. Catching fish or other marine animals use sound to the kompressor, both during the day and
5. Fishing with the tuba.

For this chapter is the way in solving community problems and disputes;
Article 18
(1) Dispute that occurs in the Coral Reefs of ecosystem management will be a consensus
agreement between the parties dispute
(2) If there is no consensus agreement in a dispute referred to in paragraph 1 (a) above, the
parties dispute may request mediation assistance from a third party.

Article 19
Whoever in violation Section 10 and Article 11 This regulation, penalized staged as follows:
1. Violations penalized form of the first submit the results of any act or action that is done and
promised not to sign the deeds back to the letter before the Government, a group of managers,
supervisors and the community;
2. Violations penalized as a second offense plus the first social work for the village concerned
for one (1) minggu.dan equipment working in the detention period for all fishing equipment,
nets, dam;
3. Violations caused by the bomb and potasium / tuba and reported directly to the law enforcers to be processed in accordance with applicable law.
Article 14
This village regulations come into force on the date stipulated;
Defined in Cemaga
On: Today Thursday, October 30, 2008
Village Representative Board of the Village Head

(......... JAWAZAN ...........) (.......... ZAIDAN ...........)

Try our view, should be an award for them. They already want to make the regulations very difficult for themselves, because all of that could trap them. In fact for the local area they know the perpetrators of even up to the level of capitalist.

For many at this time they began to realize and stop bekereja to the broker in the region. With the strict control of their movements easy to diditeksi. Even the names of perpetrators and the community is just waiting to know the evidence only for the arrested.

I had direct dialogue, with some capitalist. They claim to never do a job like that because it with the results large, but is now cured. There is a sour fruit because the child had caught. This because large fines that must be redeemed in order to remove them from the authorities. Not to be issued a bunch of money to the victim's family during their detention. The work of several years can be exhausted in a short time they are also the social because people do not feel as if the cynical view. Employment of illegal and harmful the eyes of the people is very low. and not respected.

Clearly, in addition to sanctions already obtained legal social sanctions is also very important role. Coral Reef Rehabilitation And Management Program that is already good enough for that to continue to run even if the government should be in control.

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